Author Archives: Jaron Manyama

About Jaron Manyama

With 15+ years experience helping over 100,000 people with their credit, we provide up to date resources for credit score repair. We also provide free credit consultation. Feel free to contact us with questions 844-283-4380.

Credit and Debt Repair Made Easy

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credit and debt repair

Credit and debt repair is a solution that so many people have spent endless amounts of time looking into. If you feel like you’ve become a victim of bad decisions leading to massive credit card debt, just know you’re not the only one.

Countless people feel exactly the same way. And this is not limited to credit card debt, but any debt in general. It doesn’t matter who the source of your debt is. If it’s not handled asap, it will make its way over to your credit report for an unfriendly visit.

And once it camps out there, it will stay parked for a good while, like a disgruntled tenant who refused to be evicted. I don’t want that for you, and I know you don’t want that either, that’s why you’re here. You found this article because you want some answers that are up to date and work. Well, congrats my friend, you found me, welcome to credit on steroids. Let’s get into it!

Many people get into trouble with credit cards, and other forms of debt in general. Having a couple of credit cards that you manage properly will help build your credit, but many people find it really hard to manage credit cards properly. As a result, this has immensely affected their way of living.

To make things worse, not only does it greatly affect your way of living but also damages your credit score. This results in you having a difficult, experience looking for available options out there that everyone should have access to.

In this particular article, we’ll be discussing some significant credit and debt repair techniques that will help fix the damage that has already been done.

Ultimate guides to credit and debt repair made simple

credit and debt repair


Really important tip before moving forward. “Big things are just a lot of little things put together”. No matter how bad your situation is, and how impossible it may seem to fix, always remember this wise proverb, There’s no need to get overwhelmed, just break it down by taking one step at a time until you get there!

Fixing your credit is the first priority. I can’t stress this enough. Many people don’t know this, but this actually is the first important step to take. Having a good credit score makes so many things easy for you. Easy and affordable loan acquisition is a prime example. How many times have you applied for a car loan or credit card, only to have the sales rep look at you like your half crazy?

There is possibly no more embarrassing a feeling than having to go through that. When you walk into that dealership, you want to strut in there with confidence. When you enter the bank, you want to stroll up to the manager’s desk with no fear or asking for a loan. And you definitely don’t want to be taken advantage of by getting a loan that charges you unreasonable interest rates.

Personal story:

When my wife and I first got married, we were broke. How broke you may ask? Well, ever heard of the saying “making ends meet”? Well, we were so broke, we couldn’t get our ends to even wave at each other, much less make them meet 🙂 I had a 1984 Mercury Topaz with grandmother plastic on the seats. It had a leaky transmission, an oil leak, and no AC. And we lived in the south, yikes! When we finally couldn’t keep the car alive any longer, we went to some dealerships to look for a used one.. We learned a big lesson about the importance of your credit score when we got denied again and again for some of the cheapest cars.

Finally, we found one dealership who was willing to take a chance on us. But there was a catch here…we would have to pay an outrageous interest rate on the car. At that time, we were desperate for transportation and needed something quick, so we settled. While that experience was a pain that we thankfully never have to repeat again, it was a valuable lesson.

Can you relate to this in any way? If so, then keep reading. That was when I woke up, and became aware of how my credit score affects so much of my life. You may be at the same place in your life right now. Friend, this applies not just to necessities like getting a car, but even employment is often affected by this.

Having a good credit score really can help you get a decent job. Some employers believe that a good credit score proves that you have good financial discipline. Imagine being the most qualified candidate for a position, only to get denied because you came up short on your score. There’s nothing cool about that folks. You need to truly understand how to renovate your credit report. This article also gives you some ways to get your credit score up.

If you let it, your brain can go in circles trying to figure this stuff out by yourself. It’s always best to identify your goal, and then step by step, break down what needs to happen for you to achieve it. And if you’ve been overwhelmed at all about this, just relax, you can do this. Big things are just a lot of little things put together. So lets look at some steps to get both your debt and your credit back on the right path 🙂

Here are a few things that you should be thinking about regarding credit and debt repair:

credit and debt repair


Paying off your debt as quickly as possible:

When I first began this journey of paying off my debt, it was pretty painful, to be honest with you. I had to take a good, hard look at the mess I had made, and take responsibility for what I had done. I had over 40 items in collections, just eating away at my credit score, and I was honestly afraid to even look at my credit report. That’s when I began to start with the smallest items first, and pay them off. When you do it this way, you get a quick sense of accomplishment, that motivates you to go on to the next one.

and the next one.. and the next one… and the next.. you get it 🙂

From there I simply began to take on the larger debts, and clear them out. Before I knew it, I had a flow of positive energy propelling me toward this goal. In all honesty, not all of them were paid off with a single swipe of the debit card, BUT they were open to payment arrangements. And that allowed me chip away at them until they were gone!  Now, you may be thinking to yourself “Man, I thought this guy was going to give me tips to get around having to pay off those collection bills.” Don’t lose hope just yet, there are ways to do this! And I implemented them both. We’ll talk about that in just a bit 🙂

Never opt for bankruptcy:

Filing for bankruptcy is not an option, it is an act of desperation – and is a wrong one at that. Settling your debts now will only affect your credit score for the next 7 years while filing for a bankruptcy will take your credit score 7-10 years before recovering depending on the type filed. No matter how desperate I got to be free from bad debt, this was NEVER an option for me. And in all honesty, it should never be an option for you, if you can help it. Friend, this will go directly against your goal of having a great credit score. That is what you ultimately want right?

Seek help from experts:

As I stated earlier, there is always a manual, as well as an automated way to do things. There are many reputable companies that will be able to provide you with additional help in repairing your credit.  This makes the process much easier. At this point, you will need all the help you can get. So seek a good company out and see what they can do for you. Also, when seeking help, always remember that you are protected by the Credit Repair Organizations Act.

In my case, I was doing a great job paying down my debt, but I frankly needed some help. Like I said, I had over 40 open collections accounts on my credit report. Embarrassing but true. But I was lucky enough to get connected with a team of experts who got the other half of those c0llection accounts dropped. The beauty of it was that it was pretty much on autopilot. I just gave them permission to work through the items on my credit report, and they took it from there.

How they got these accounts dropped from my report:

Before I go into this, let me just kill a misnomer about the popular tactic of disputing items. Most people will tell you that if you have an item on your credit report that shouldn’t be there, to dispute it. However, as someone who has done this, I will tell you it’s not that cut and dry. If you legitimately owe that debt, disputing it can be futile a majority of the time. This is because when you dispute an item on your report, you have to provide a reason. And a legitimate reason at that. There are some loopholes that you can base your disputes on that could work, but for the most part, they will not apply to the majority of your debt.

A seasoned credit repair service has proprietary techniques that examine loopholes that we haven’t even thought of. Some of these I’ve learned from experience. Others are simply that, proprietary. Meaning if everybody knew about it there would be no need for a credit repair service 🙂 What this repair service did was successfully remove close to half of the remaining items that were on my report. And this was done using dispute techniques from collections statues that these agencies have violated. The best part is that it was pretty much automated. I would be lying if I said I didn’t need the extra help. Either way, I want you to understand that credit and debt repair is achievable folks. You can go at it yourself, get a team to assist, or a combination of the two.

Education is key:

credit and debt repair

No matter which route you decide to take, keep in mind that your own personal education is never a bad thing. Especially when dealing with your credit report. It’s important to take personal ownership of your situation and get the knowledge that will get you out of the problem. Lots of people get what I call “scattered information”. This means that they get a little advice here, another tip there, and end up confused by all the contradiction. You want to get your information from one place, and preferably one source.

Once you have access to the information you need, remember, implementation is key. Think about it, what good would it be if you have the know-how but not the want-to? You have to be so dissatisfied with your situation that it moves you to take action.

Remember, the only way you’ll be able to rid yourself of the credit card debt that you have right now is to take proactive action against it as early on as possible. As mentioned, there are many ways that you will be able to do this properly and the tips mentioned above are just a few of them.

If you’d like the kind of up to date solution that has worked for me and so many people who need credit and debt repair, you can access this free guide below. This is the same guide I used from the credit service team that was working to fix my credit. It covers:

  • Getting and Understanding your credit reports & scores
  • Real “how-to” for improving your credit (these are the very tactics the best credit repair firms in the country use)
  • Powerful action plans

To Better Credit!


Ways to Get Credit Scores Up

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For many people with bad credit, it seems impossible to find ways to get credit scores up. Getting out of debt, cleaning up credit reports are not really difficult if you know where to start.  And there are millions of consumers who have been able to successfully find ways to get their credit scores up by following a simple credit repair plan.

If you are determined to make improvements to your score, start by following these five easy steps:

Five important ways to get credit scores up


1. Develop a financial plan:

Credit improvement begins with a working budget. Financial mismanagement, in most cases, is what causes most credit-related problems. The best way to make sure you improve your situation is to make sure you have control over your money.

Cutting out unnecessary spending will provide you with more expendable cash to make sure your bills are covered and will help you later in the repair process. This step is extremely important if you wish to restore your credit successfully. This is where you can’t afford to be lazy. It will cost you more in the long run if you try to dance around this issue, and I know you’re tired of going around in circles here.

A financial plan includes not only getting yourself on a budget but also spending your money strategically. This has to do with borrowing only a certain amount of money and paying it back to develop healthy spending patterns for the credit bureaus to see. And they are watching my friend! For every debt you owe, your credit reporting agency monitors not just whether you pay on your debt, but the manner in which you do so.

Personal Story:

When I embarked on the journey of rebuilding my credit, I had a long conversation with my mortgage lender. He said to me “Jaron, your credit score is this close to being qualified for a loan. You just need to get your score up a few more points”. When I asked him what I should do, he advised me to get a secured credit card. “But,” he said, “make sure you don’t spend more than 30% of your total credit limit”. When I asked why he said, “this will reflect negatively on your credit report if you consistently spend more than 30% of what you have available on your card”.

So, I took his advice, got a secured credit card. While talking to the representative over the phone, she said something very coincidental. She said,”And by the way, once you get your card, make sure not to spend more than 30% or your overall credit limit: Do you think I got the message loud and clear after that confirmation? And after a few months guess what? My score went up, and went up significantly. This is just one of the many things I did to raise my score.

You see, once you understand that the credit bureaus operate off of an algorithm, you realize that all you have to do is work with that system. It’s just a program used to take all of the data on your report, and generate a score based on patterns. So understand the system, and work it to your advantage. As I said before, this was just a small part of a financial plan I was working to increase my score. I provide a full resource guide for free at the bottom of this post for you to use as well.

2. Make adjustments to your credit report: Not only are you entitled to have any inaccurate or incomplete information on your report corrected, but you are also allowed to have adjustments made to old or outdated negative information. Most people don’t realize that inaccuracies on your credit report bring your score down. And please don’t think this is limited to just collection agencies. There are over 30 categories on your credit report, and if any of them are inaccurate, it can bring your score down. This doesn’t sound fair because it’s not. However, it is very true. I did a video lesson on this that you can watch here.

The statute of limitations determines how long negative information can remain on your report. If you need corrections made to your report, you can accomplish this by sending a dispute letter to the reporting agency.

Making corrections to your report is an important way to get your credit score up and is part of the repair process because having an accurate report gives you a fresh starting point so that you can focus on your other credit problems. This is one of the most important ways to get credit scores up.

3. Settle your debts:

ways to get credit scores up

Getting out from beneath all that debt can seem impossible. Many people don’t realize, however, that most collection agencies and some creditors are often willing to settle your debts for an amount you can afford. Let’s get an important question answered for you here. Will my credit score go down if I settle my open collections? The answer to this question is a resounding No. Here is where people get confused because there is a two-fold effect to settling debts for lower than what is actually owed.

When you have an open collection on your account, its just like having a scar on your credit report that begins to bleed (financially speaking). As long as that collection account is open, your score will continue to go down, However, once you get the account closed, it stops the bleeding. This does not necessarily make your score go up, but it does keep it from going back down. In essence, it stabilizes your score. Once those accounts are closed, its the positive lines of credit that make your score go up.

Where a lot of folks miss it is in the fact that they have positive lines of credit, along with open collections on their account. So the collections are simultaneously undoing all the good, that your positive lines of credit are bringing to your credit report. The idea here is to stop the bleeding first, then add good credit patterns to your report. With that in mind, feel free to settle as many open accounts as you can, especially if you have a lot of them. Pay as little as you can to close them out to stop the bleeding.

Now the second part to keep in mind here is the way that lenders will view your credit history. If a lender sees that you settled on an open account, it could leave a bad taste in their mouth. So if you can pay off the amount in total, do so. All I’m advising is that if you have a host of open accounts that you can’t afford to pay off in full, there’s no problem in settling here. Not all lenders will frown on this, as they know how the game is played, and that you were choosing to stop the bleeding on your report. What matters most for them will be the positive lines of credit that you have bee faithfully making payments on going forward.

In fact, it’s possible to have your debts reduced by as much as 60%. With those kinds of savings, getting out of debt can be much easier than you thought. Unpaid debts are extremely damaging to your score. Paying them off will make a significant improvement.

4. Establish new credit:

ways to get credit scores up

If you’ve gotten this far in the repair process, chances are you’ve already noticed a considerable difference in your credit score. Now, let’s make even more progress by establishing new lines of credit.

Once you’ve applied these tips to your credit history, you’ll get approved for new lines of credit. That’s because lenders will notice that you’ve cleaned up your report, paid down your debts and are ready for new responsibilities. Establishing new credit is one of the best ways to improve credit scores even more.

As I mentioned, a credit card (secured or non-secured) will help to establish new lines of credit for you. Think of it like having a brand new start to prove to lenders that you’re a faithful borrower. And it doesn’t have to be for large credit limits either. You can do small things, like buy a new set of tires and prepay on a secured card from the tire company. Then when you buy your new tires, simply replenish the credit limit on the card, which is simply paying yourself back. This gets reported to your credit bureaus as a faithful payment pattern and will cause your score to go up.

5. Managing your credit: By this time you’ve learned a lot about financial responsibility and credit management. Now it’s time to put that knowledge to good use. After you’ve established new credit, it’s very important that you manage it appropriately. Basically what this means is, watch what you do going forward. With every financial decision you make, keep your credit score in the back of your mind. You don’t want to get sloppy once you’re on a good path to repair. Monitor your credit health constantly.

Check your reports to ensure that no mistakes have been made. Maintain healthy payment patterns, and don’t be afraid to take on new lines of credit as you pay off older ones. Try also to always have a healthy debt to credit ratio. This means that a lender can look at your report, and see that you have more income coming in than debt that you owe. Remember to check for anything that looks suspicious on your report as well. You can even get help from an expert to monitor the patterns on your report for you, and give you advice.  Also, when seeking help, always remember that you are protected by the Credit Repair Organizations Act.

Paying your bills on time each month is a good start. Hang on to those new lines of credit. Keep them active for as long as possible. In time, you’ll see your score rank in with the best.

As you can see, there are many ways to get credit scores up and these are just a few of them. Below is a free guide that will go over the many aspects of credit repair that most people don’t think about. It will also cover:

  • Getting and Understanding your credit reports & scores
  • Real “how-to” for improving your credit (these are the very tactics the best credit repair firms in the country use)
  • Powerful action plans

To Better Credit!